Botox for Migraines

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Botox is an FDA-approved treatment used to help people suffering from both chronic headache and migraine prevention. It is a safe, non-surgical procedure that is known to be extremely effective in providing long-term relief while removing the underlying cause of the headache or migraine.

How does Botox work for migraines?

Botox works by paralyzing certain facial muscles and blocking nerve signals to the brain in order to relax the head muscles that can contribute to migraines. When these muscles are prevented from contracting, it can greatly reduce the symptoms associated with your headaches.

What to expect?

Prior to your procedure, our physician will discuss what to expect during treatment, as well as any potential side effects. This botox procedure involves a series of injections into key certain areas (trigger points) of the head, neck, and face over the course of 15 minutes or less. These pinpointed injections require specialized training and expertise in placement, required amount and application technique to ensure maximum effectiveness. The process is also done in an outpatient setting with minimal discomfort and little downtime afterwards which makes preparing for your appointment very easy.

Migraine headache treatment using Botox injections

Botox For Migraines Procedure

Step 1

Prior to your procedure, our physician will use a topical anesthetic to numb the treatment area.

Step 2

We will then determine the exact injection sites to target that are a source of your migraine pain.

Step 3

A small amount of Botox is injected into muscle tissue in the head and neck area where pain signals are processed. You will receive several shots during the procedure that may feel like a slight pinch.

Step 4

Since Botox injections are minimally invasive, it is safe to drive home after your procedure. In the two or three days following the injections, the botulinum toxin will realign muscles in order to effectively relieve tension that is often attributed as a possible cause of your migraines.

How long does Botox take to work for migraines?

The onset of Botox’s effects on migraines can vary from person to person. In general, it can take several weeks to see the full benefits of Botox treatment for migraines. Some people may experience relief within the first week or two, while others may not notice any improvement until after the second or third treatment cycle.

Effectiveness of Botox for migraines

Studies have shown that Botox treatment is safe, effective, greatly reducing the frequency and intensity of headache episodes. In fact, one of the strongest use cases for this incredible and versatile drug lies in its effectiveness for treating migraine headaches. Many patients have reported a significant reduction in migraine days each month when taking part in regular Botox injections. In one study, patients who had previously suffered from migraines reported up to 90% fewer headache occurrences after receiving Botox treatment.

Furthermore, studies done by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery have shown that headache frequency decreased an average of 48% after three months following treatment with Botox, providing firm evidence of its powerful potential when it comes to fighting migraines. Additionally, patients experienced fewer days with moderate or severe headache intensity, reducing episodes from 19 to 8.3 on average.

Cost of Botox for Migraines

Does insurance cover Botox for migraines?

While coverage varies among carriers, insurance often covers the majority of expenses related to Botox migraine injections. However, Botox treatment typically involves several visits for administration, so out-of-pocket costs may still be necessary. These costs depend on where you receive your injections, along with your individual symptoms and specific needs. Despite up front costs associated with this form of treatment for migraine sufferers, most patients find that it is well worth their investment as the frequency and severity of headaches greatly decrease.

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