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The P-Shot®, or Priapus Shot, is non-surgical a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection that is used to treat erectile dysfunction and improve sexual performance in men. The treatment was invented by Dr. Charles Runels, who has been safely performing the procedure for over 10 years.

What makes our P-Shot procedure different from others?

Experience the next level of P-Shot treatment at Atlanta Men’s Clinic, where we integrate cutting-edge technology for optimal results. Unlike traditional approaches, Our ED procedure incorporates the innovative Daxxify® system, an FDA-approved peptide-powered neuromodulator designed to improve erectile dysfunction. Daxxify® is the first and only neurotoxin to have a peptide attached to the Type A botulinum toxin, providing a stronger and more durable formula compared to traditional neuromodulators like Botox. The small peptide in Daxxify® binds to nerves more effectively, enhancing its efficacy in treating ED. In addition, we complement the P-Shot procedure with shockwave therapy sessions, further boosting its efficacy. Our advanced approach ensures superior outcomes, and provides exceptional value making Atlanta Men’s Clinic the premier destination for men’s health treatments.

How does the P-Shot work?

The P-Shot procedure not only improves stamina and sensitivity but also the potential for penis enlargement, providing men with enhanced confidence and satisfaction in their intimate relationships. It is designed to enhance blood flow and promote the growth of new blood vessels in the penis, which can improve erectile function. The shot is derived from Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), which is obtained from the patient’s own blood. The platelets are separated from the red blood cells and concentrated using a specially designed, high speed centrifuge.

PRP is rich in growth factors and other nutrients that can promote healing and regeneration. In addition, the injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) helps to stimulate the growth of new cells and improve sensation in the penis. As a result, the P-Shot can provide significant improvements in sexual function and satisfaction for men of all ages.

Numbing The Treatment Area

We apply lidocaine/numbing cream to the penis.

Prepare The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient's arm. Using a high RPM centrifuge, one of our physicians isolates platelets from the blood (PRP)

Activate the PRP

The platelets are treated with a solution and then “activated” to release growth factors that would normally be used to regenerate tissue.

Inject the PRP

The liquid is transferred to a syringe and injected into the penis (very small gauge needle) at the predetermined sites using a method that distributes the growth factors in a proper way.

Penis Pump

Following the injection, a pump is used for 15 minutes to draw blood into the penis. The use of a specific penis pump is recommended after the injection and continuing with a specific schedule for approximately 6 weeks after the procedure.


About 60% of men improve after the first P-Shot and approximately 85% see huge improvements following their second P-Shot. It typically takes about 12 weeks to see the full effect, and some men may require a series of two or three treatments, spaced 8 to 12 weeks in between, to reach their desired potential.

Sex after the P-Shot

The P-Shot is usually done as part of a series of three shots, given over the course of three months. After the final shot, patients can expect to see an improvement in sexual function within two to three weeks. For some men, the effects of the shot may last for up to a year. Sex after the P-Shot is safe and effective, with very few side effects. Most patients have minimal to no downtime and can resume sexual activity within the same week.

The P-Shot can help treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men.

How effective is the P-Shot?

Although the success rate of the P-Shot varies from person to person, many men report significant improvements in their erectile function and libido after receiving the treatment. In one study, over 80% of men reported an improvement in their ability to get and maintain an erection after receiving the P-Shot. Additionally, over 70% of men reported an increase in sexual satisfaction after receiving PRP for ED.

Am I a candidate for the P-Shot?

Our physicians are certified providers of the P-Shot having completed thorough training from the inventor, Dr. Charles Runels, MD. We have treated thousands of patients for erectile dysfunction using this trademark procedure. If you’re experiencing ED and have not had success with traditional treatment methods, the P-Shot can be a great option.

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Professional, fun and courteous, I’m happy to have found them.

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